
Note: This website is outdated. I will be revamping it to better reflect the work and training I have been involved with in recent years. Feel free to email me at [email protected] to learn more about how I currently work.

Marrying the clinical and the contemplative

Individualized Holistic Therapy and Coaching for Pain Relief and Well-being

arms up

On the table: Original, unique synthesis of somatic, manual, movement and mind/body therapies. Think of it as where the worlds of clinical massage therapy, physical therapy, yoga, somatic psychotherapy and other mind/body therapies meet and purposefully interact. I incorporate Sensorimotor psychotherapy, many somatic healing disciplines and manual therapies, including myofascial and trigger point release, Amma, orthopedic and medical massage, neuromuscular therapy/re-education and muscle energy techniques.

Safely journey into the stories your body holds

  • Imagine deep but gentle bodywork synchronized with guided breath-work, imagery, assisted therapeutic movement and guided by your physical, mental and emotional responses
  • Balancing the nervous system first, entering a deeply relaxed state of consciousness, facilitates deeper response. Learning to regulate the nervous system encourages more sustained positive change
  • Retraining the brain-body connection gives you a cooperative system to work with, like family therapy for your body
  • Cutting edge physical therapies helps restore healthy range of motion and functioning
  • Some clients have compared it with a feeling of lucid dreaming but you’re awake

Off the table; In the chair or on the move:

We can adapt most methods on or off the table, seated, in movement or stillness, depending on how your body responds best. This is co-creative, dynamic, in the moment body therapy, based on age old disciplines, informed by current neuroscience.

  • My latest exciting addition is training in Sensorimotor Psychotherapy, a body-oriented, talking therapy by Pat Ogden, ‘informed by the work of Ron Kurtz and the Rolf Method of Structural Integration, enriched by contributions from the fields of attachment, neuroscience, and dissociation. It blends cognitive and emotional approaches, verbal dialogue, and physical interventions that directly address the implicit memories and neurobiological effects of trauma. By using bodily experience as a primary entry point in trauma therapy, rather than the events or the “story,” we attend to how the body is processing information, and its interface with emotions and cognitive meaning-making.’ Ogden, 2002, Fisher, 2003 Sensorimotor Psychotherapy® Institute 2012. 
  • Sensorimotor Psychotherapy can be integrated into many aspects of the work
  • I also incorporate Structural Yoga Therapy in my work, blending physiotherapy in a solid foundation of yoga principles and practice, to bring you a deeper understanding of your personal healing process and a more dynamic self-care program.
  • Authentic Movement BodyTherapy; an exciting therapeutic model I’ve developed, incorporating Authentic Movement with clinical, somatic and bodywork practices for pain management, is a dynamic, multi-layered exploration into the treasure chest of stories your psyche and body can reveal

In your daily life: What you do in between or after our sessions is critical to your progress. Together we can develop a program for self-care that might include:

  • Therapeutic exercise instruction
  • Healthy life style coaching and Diet
  • Relaxation, Centering and Grounding practices
  • Somatic Awareness practices
  • Structural Yoga Therapy, mind/body awareness training, other somatic practices
  • Self-massage and other self-care exploration
  • Biomechanics and neuromuscular re-training

Out of the area or difficulty traveling: Not a problem. There’s much we can do together remotely via Zoom.

Retrain the brain and Get out of pain