
Note: This website is outdated. I will be revamping it to include the training and work I am currently involved in.

These programs are no longer being offered. As the work evolves, possible new learning opportunities will replace them. 

A new learning community and network for local professional bodyworkers and manual therapists  to hone our assessment and therapeutic skills (both on and off the table), expand our effectiveness in a holistic, mind/body approach, deepen the therapeutic relationship and build a supportive community of health professionals that can in turn support the health of our community. We hope to eventually form a student clinic that can offer affordable, accessible bodywork and health care to people in chronic pain and illness.  We will determine the content, frequency, format and cost of workshops and meetings, based on the number, availability and interests of participants. 

Customizing a professional workshop for your group Possible topics include Migraines, Low back and Pelvis: from common dysfunction to complex neuropathy, Effective bodywork for Neck Pain or anything from the longer course syllabus*.

Workshops for people coping with chronic pain and illness

  • Therapeutic Learning Community offering practical, holistic support, education and resources. Click for more details
  • Affordable, accessible self-care
  • Includes weekly movement classes
  • Supportive, non-judgemental environment

Workshops and Training for Manual Therapists & Health Professionals

 “How To Get People Out of Pain” This 12 session course is not currently being offered but shorter a la carte workshops are possible with enough interest.  View flyer 

  • View Course Description of previously offered courses
  • Learn an effective, unique synthesis of manual, movement and mind-body therapies that marries the clinical with the contemplative
  • Detect, understand and address chronic structural and systemic imbalances
  • Master techniques to simultaneously balance the nervous system, restore integrity to musculoskeletal/fascial systems, release trauma stored in tissues and overcome pain
  • The material is geared primarily for manual therapists and bodyworkers but other health care professionals and movement educators might incorporate methods into their work
    • Lenore Bryck is approved by the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB) as a continuing education Approved Provider. Number 368
  • Refer someone who registers and get a 10% discount

cat sees lion in mirror

Caring for the care-givers

  • Somatic/Movement and Mind-Body Therapy for Bodyworkers to give yourself what you need so you can effectively address clients’ needs
  • Experiential anatomy enriches your understanding and refines your treatment strategies
  • It feels good