Note: This website is outdated. I will be revamping it to better reflect the work and training I have been involved with in recent years. Feel free to email me at [email protected] to learn more about how I currently work.
Does it feel like nobody is helping you put the puzzle pieces together so you can understand what to do so you can feel whole? Our health care systems are poorly equipped to help us with multifaceted chronic conditions that don’t fit squarely into a diagnosis and don’t respond to cookie cutter protocols. Maybe they’ve called it Fibromyalgia, ME/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, IBS, PTSD, MCS, TBI, DJD, migraine, anxiety, sciatica, neuralgia…and maybe you have a history of trauma, neglect, depression, addiction…but the names and the treatments don’t quite fit.
I offer a rare multi-disciplined approach that looks at you as a whole person, that connects the dots, between your emotional/psychological experiences, habitual patterns and physical symptoms. My work has been continuously evolving for the past 35 years, integrating many somatic disciplines, mind-body, manual and movement therapies

- We focus on regulating the nervous system, so your body can remember how to heal, how to feel what’s good.
- We discover the why, when and how of your adaptive behaviors that are trying to protect you but get in your way. We work to cultivate a calm wise adult response when you’re emotionally triggered
- We aim to better understand and accept all your parts, restore myofascial integrity, and support a natural and dynamic equilibrium between all your body’s systems
We might explore: What might your digestive disorder and anxiety have to do with your back pain and insomnia? How can relaxation practices and changes to your diet and daily routine help your fatigue, migraines, and joint pain? Why does cultivating present moment awareness help us heal from trauma and manage chronic pain.
Your body holds your history. But you determine your future by being in the present
Here, the worlds of clinical mind-bodywork, movement and yoga therapies, Somatic psychotherapy, physiotherapy, orthopedic manual therapy, Myofascial release, holistic health coaching, nutrition, Ayurvedic and eco-medicine meet and seamlessly interact.
You don’t have to do it alone…you don’t have the time, energy, expertise…but no one else can do it for you. Together we can develop a customized, personal approach to healing and find the way out of the vicious cycles so you can move forward less weighed down.
This is a creative, collaborative, in-the-moment body therapy, informed by current scientific thinking and ancient wisdom traditions.
Breathe free…Move free…Pain free